Saturday, December 12, 2015

Fiesta Party Mexican Style Part 1

So, you snagged an invite to a Mexican fiesta? Awesome! Here's a rundown of what you might encounter when invited to a Mexican party, and a few survival tips. JK! Well, ok, not kidding. The important thing to remember is that a real Mexican fiesta is a marathon (some are more like triathlons) and while there are always those overbooked popular kids who just pop by and leave - don't be one of them. And don't be the first person to leave either. As soon as that brave soul goes, you and everyone else may now leave.

Rules of Engagement:

1.  Bring a gift for the special person - clothes always works and if you don't know their size just guess. It's the thought that counts and they can always exchange it or re-gift it. Put it in a party bag with tissue because wrapped boxes cannot be reused.

2. Guys, bring a gift for the party - 12 pack or larger and/or a good bottle of tequila. Bring a few cases and you'll be a hero. They're gonna give you a nickname no matter what you do, so better it be Super Gringo, than Stingy Gringo.

3. Bring your appetite and wear comfortable clothes because you will be well fed like a wrestler at a Las Vegas buffet.  Unless of course you're a woman, and then you should wear something dressy. No, not going to church dressy - New Year's party dressy. Don't forget the heels because people will look you over. Manicure? Go for bright with bling. And the most important thing of all - dress for the women who will judge you, not for the guys who will steal a glance but wouldn't dare ogle because that would lead to trouble. Think classy with no high slits or low dips. Tight is ok, but not busting at the seams. And guys, don't overdress unless the party involves a misa. Then you're dressing in your Sunday best.

4. If you go with your other half, know that you will have to divide and conquer. Men hang with the guys and women hang with the other women. Ladies, when you arrive be sure to say hi to Every Woman There. When you leave you will repeat the process of bidding farewell to EWT. Men generally eat first and are served by their wives. But you're a guest so you get a pass. Just sit, smile, don't ask what you're eating, and NEVER make a face if you taste something not to your liking.

If you can nail the basics, the rest is a breeze. And if you're wondering what to do with your family, house guests, and other friends - bring them too. The more the merrier when you Fiesta-Party!

See my next post for the deets on specific types of parties.

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